STRÅNG validation

To present information about the quality of the STRÅNG model, its output on global radiation, direct normal radiation and sunshine duration have been compared to observations from the meteorological radiation network of SMHI. Average error statistics for the period 1999-2009 are presented in the table below.

Global radiation
Direct normal radiation
Sunshine duration
Hourly MBE
-0.2 %
-0.4 %
+1.3 %
Hourly MAE
2.1 %
3.5 %
2.7 %
Hourly RMSE
30 %
57 %
59 %
Daily MBE
-0.2 %
+0.5 %
+5.0 %
Daily MAE
2.1 %
3.2 %
5.2 %
Daily RMSE
16 %
31 %
30 %
Monthly MBE
+1.3 %
+1.3 %
+6.8 %
Monthly MAE
2.3 %
3.3 %
6.8 %
Monthly RMSE
8.9 %
14 %
17 %

Normalised relative MBE, MAE and RMSE of the current STRÅNG model during 1999-2009 at 12 of the stations in the SMHI radiation network.

In the validation results presented in the table above only results from 12 ”longterm” stations in the SMHI radiation network have been included. Due to a significant bias in STRÅNG at some newer stations, e.g. Tarfala (mountain site) and Svenska Högarna (maritime site), the errors at some of the newer stations are significantly higher.

Operational validation graphs (1999-)

Below are links to operational validation graphs that show the evolution of the monthly and yearly validation statistics.

Monthly graphs

The monthly graphs, showing results until the foregoing month, are updated at the end of the current month.

Global radiation, % Direct normal radiation, % Sunshine duration, %
Global radiation, W/m² Direct norlmal radiation, W/m² Sunshine duration, Minutes

Yearly graphs

The yearly graphs, showing results until the foregoing year, are updated at the end of January, the current year.

Global radiation, % Direct normal radiation, % Sunshine duration, %
Global radiation, W/m² Direct normal radiation, W/m² Sunshine duration, Minutes